In the current scenario, one of the most confused sections in the country is the journalist, editor
& press reporter, whether associated with print media or electronic media, if they are not given
adequate salary or remuneration. Inadequate pay scale, low advertisement income, no arrangement
for family and children's education, no security for housing as before. Even the journalist himself has
no security, no insurance; the fourth pillar of the nation has been put at risk.
Advertising is only an additional income and that too negligible to a living journalist. Without any
standard of reasonable pay or income, they are exploited by newspaper owner and news channels.
An attempt to form the Bharatvarsh Patrakar Vikas Parishad with an eminently noble attempt to
move the press-media forward with security from these problems.
Bharatvarsh Patrakar Vikas Parishad has been registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act of
the Government of India to meet the appropriate needs of the society along with the social and
economic security of the journalist in the present peculiar situation.
EMAIL:- [email protected]
The details of the company are placed on the website. Council Chairman and MD Dhananjaybhai
Zaveri who is associated with industries. Having studies up to B.Com. Having a reputation in the field
of journalism across Bharuch including Gujarat, the team associated with him has also been working
in journalism for a long time. At present, there is no adequate source of income in the society for
journalists. The journalists are also an integral part of the society, so it has been decided by the
Bharatvarsh Patrakar Vikas Parishad that efforts will be made by the Council to develop the society
with proper place, income and security.
With the journalist, income of the society increases and small savings are also made for the
council, so the upliftment of the society can be carried out. But at the present the society is also
facing inflation, there is no place for business, it is difficult for the council to get grants.
Since Bharatvarsh Patrakar Vikas Parishad is formed under Section 8 of the Companies Act, the
Parishad can do business. But journalists have only one business and that is advertising, so the team
of Bharatvarsh Journalist Development Council has created a platform for them by listing several
Our Vision:
To protect rights of print & electronic media and by spreading power of social media across the
country, the rights of journalists are defended so they can report without fear of reprisals. Quality
journalism, improving the financial status of journalists, protection of journalists by society, passing
special laws for protection of journalists and take such action, so central and state government focus
on their issues.
Our Mission:
- To provide legal aid and benefits to journalists in need.
- To strive for freedom of the press and all democratic rights of the people.
- Providing professional training to journalists.
- To organize working journalists across the country including rural areas.
- To enhance the status of members who are in the journalism profession.
- To protect and promote general interest of members.
- To raise and administer funds for retired life, accidental death assistance and allied activity
- To work for and promote legislation for the welfare of journalists.
- To publish journals/periodical of journalists.
- Securing facilities or establishing institutions and providing training for journalists and organizing
temporary or permanent training courses in the fields of print and audio-visual media journalism for
working journalists and various sections of the public.
- To try to improve the working conditions of journalists in terms of pay, tenure of office, security
of service conditions etc.
Attempts have been made and will continue to be made to reach the customer through
advertising, journalism or through social media, but the income is one-time, but through Bharatvarsh
Patrakar Vikas Parishad, the income generated in this way has been converted into *multi-level
marketing* and has given a new dimension to the relationship between the journalist and the
advertiser. Whose website is
Where journalists and every section of society decided 360 categories and to join any category
with just 1100/- Rs. Advertised their need in one category, circulate their link into society, getting
customers, explained to others By connecting with their ID on website Journalists or
every section of society will get ten levels of income as shown below.
Level wise income will be credited to your account from IMPS every Monday. If the code of the
connected person is active, the journalist or customer will be paid accidental death assistance of Rs.
five lakh (5,00,000) to the family of the deceased person. This amount will pay during the year after
completing the necessary formalities. Moreover, if the code or ID remains active and is renewed
every year, the registered heirs of the deceased will continue to receive the level income and all other
benefits guaranteed by the Bharatvarsh Patrakar Vikas Parishad.